ACS 한국지회 설립을 권하고 적극적으로 성원해주셨던 Pearce 교수 (Prof. Eli M. Pearce (1929-2015))께서 지난 5월 18일 타계하였습니다. Pearce 교수는 Polytechnic University of New York (현재, NYU-Poly) 명예 교수였고, 고분자 화학 분야의 세계적 리더였습니다.
2002년 미국화학회 회장을 역임했습니다. 우리나라에도 여러명의 제자들이 있습니다.
삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.
ACS 한국지회
* ACS, Senior Chemists Committee의 Newsletter, 2015년
From the Senior Chemist Newsletter – June 2015
Eli Pearce
By Madeleine Jacobs
Madeleine Jacobs was the Executive Director and CEO of ACS from 2004 to February 2015. She served ACS for over 24 years, including 10 years as the managing editor and editor-in chief of C&EN. She is currently President and CEO of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents, chair of the Committee on Minority Affairs, and honorary chair of the ACS Scholars 20th Anniversary Appeal.
Eli M. Pearce, a past president of ACS and a true champion of the Senior Chemists Committee and all things ACS, died on May 18. He was 86.
Eli was extraordinary in so many ways–a brilliant polymer scientist, a great leader at his university and within ACS, a passionate advocate for chemistry education reform, and a man who worked tirelessly his entire life for everyday chemists and to ensure that women and minorities had equal opportunities for advancement in society and in their professions.
After working as an industrial chemist at DuPont, J.T. Baker and Allied Chemical, he joined Brooklyn Polytechnic in 1974 as Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. He later served as Chemistry Department Head, Dean of Arts and Sciences and Director of the Polymer Research Institute. Elected President of the American Chemical Society in 2002, he led efforts to increase the numbers and influence of women and people of color in the field of chemistry, and to revitalize chemistry education. He was a huge supporter of the ACS Committee on Minority Affairs and the ACS Scholars Program and proud of their successes. And he was instrumental in establishing the Senior Chemists Committee because he believed that retired ACS members could be meaningful ambassadors in K-12 education and in the larger public. His legacy is enormous and he will be greatly missed. In particular, Eli and his family asked people who wished to honor his memory to donate to the ACS Scholars Program: www.acs.org/success
Eli himself was a legacy leader at ACS and felt passionately about this program, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. In Boston, on Monday, August 17, the Committee on Minority Affairs will celebrate the success of this remarkable program with an all-day symposium featuring the stories of ACS Scholars and alumni. This program serves gifted minorities who are under-represented in the chemical sciences and engineering. More than 2,500 undergraduates have graduated from this program and more than 200 of those alumni have gone on to earn Ph.D.s. Alumni of the ACS Scholars Program are employed at the finest universities, corporations, and government laboratories in the U.S. and abroad.
“ACS Scholars: Rising Stars in Academe” (the academic symposium) will take place on Monday, August 17 from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. “ACS Scholars: Rising Stars in Industry” (the industry symposium) will take place on Monday, August 17 from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Both have been designated as Presidential Events.
The Committee on Minority Affairs and Corporation Associates have also joined together at lunch on Monday, August 17, to celebrate the scholars, individuals, foundations, and corporations who have made this program possible. We hope you will be on the lookout for the details of the symposium and the luncheon and mark your calendar to attend these events. Your support of the ACS Scholars Program and your attendance at the August 17 symposium and luncheon are fitting ways to celebrate and remember Eli’s remarkable legacy.
* C&EN 5월 20일자에 실린 피어스 교수에 대한 추모사는 다음 주소에서 볼 수 있습니다.
* From NYU-Poly
* From the NY Times obituary